Monday, May 31, 2010

Group Problem Solving

Principles -
  • Dont jump to solutions bedfore defining the problem.
  • solve problems close to the source
  • attend to the interests of all stake holders
  • Team-based knowledge driving systems change


  • Brainstorming
  • faciliation
  • Process improvement

Brainstorming Guidelines-

  • Identify a recorder and facilitator (can be the same person)
    Clarify the issue or question
  • If appropriate, first generate ideas individually on paper
  • Begin recording ideas from the group --sequentially or otherwise
  • Encourage “piggy-backing” and “wild or crazy” ideas
  • Discourage criticism or judgmental comments
  • Push past “the pause”
  • Cluster before you prioritize

A Process Improvement Model

Aim (The aim of the process --How are things supposed to happen?)
Reality (How do things actually happen?)
Root Causes (What would account for any gaps between the aim and reality?)
Improvement Options (What are options that might help close the gap?)
Value-added Implementation (Of the many options, which ones will add value? How would they be implemented?)
Evaluation and Continuous Improvement (What are the criteria for success? What is the evaluation plan? What mechanisms will help ensure continuous improvement?)
Source: Valuable Disconnects by Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld and Kevin Ford

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