Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week 14

Monday - Today we opened our blogs for Mr.D to mark to check our progress this year. He made sure we were doing our journals. And then we watched the structural view of the twin towers and 911. We watched it to learn about the planning in building something for our next project where we have to build a crane out of popsicle sticks. This movie was very interesting.

Tuesday - Today we did a note on sectional drawings, then we had to make sure our logs where up to date with everything loaded onto them and all of our journals done.

Wednesday- Today we did three quizzes in chapter 8 on Architectural drawings for Auto Cad. We did them for review for our test tommorrow. If we do not have the test tommorrow we will be having it on tuesday after Victoria Day. After that we got our crane project and i searched collapsing cranes on youtube.com.

Thursday - Today was dress down day. We did a note on engineering and its whole purpose was to guide us along in our Crane Project. Then after that we had to do research for our crane project. We had to research different ideas and information on how a crane works

Friday - Today I was at Skills Canada

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