Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Engineering Design Process

Elements of the Design Project :
  • Problem identification
  • Research Phase
  • Requirements Specification
  • Concept Generation
  • Design Phase
  • Prototyping Phase
  • System Integration
  • Maintenance Phase
Needs Identification:
What is the problem ?
  • Collect Information
  • Interpret information
  • Organize needs hierarchy
  • Determine relative importance of needs
  • Review outcomes and process

Examples: Need: Drivers have difficulty seeing obstructions in all directions

Objective: Design system to avoid accidents.

Concept Generation and Evalution:

  • Explore Many Solutions - Brainstorm
  • Select the Best Solution - based on needs and constraints
  • Creativity- Development of new ideas
  • Innovation - Bringing creative ideas to reality.

Concept Generation:

  • Substitue
  • Combine
  • Adapt
  • Modify
  • Put to other use
  • Eliminate
  • Rearrange or reverse

Decision Making Guidelines:

  • Decision by authority(leader)
  • Expert Member
  • Average Member Opinion
  • Majority
  • Consensus

Project Management:

  • Work to be done
  • Timeframe
  • Rescources Needed
  • Responsible Person
  • Previous dependent activities
  • Checkpoints/Deliverables for monitoring progress

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