Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 13

Monday - Today i did seven orthographic drawings. I had to find the missing view and then go from orthagraphic to pictorial. These worksheets where college/university, and they were challenging however when we took them up i got them all right, however i sometimes forgot to put in hidden lines.

Tuesday- Today I handed in my orthographic drawings with the corrections done to them. Then we got our final cad drawing, and it seems challenging. We have to do a control bracket. First i started with the grid then did the limits to 150,200. They seem reasonable. Then i started the front view however I am not finished just yet.

Wednesday- Today i continued my final Cad Drawing i did the right side view and the top view. It was very challenging because we had to learn new commanads to make a hexagon. Which was "poly". I will have to add all of my dimensions and hidden lines tommorrow.

Thursday - Today i added the hidden lines to my Final Cad drawing, i still have to add the ceneter lines and the dimensions then i will be done.

Friday - Today i finished up my Final Autocad drawing. this drawing was harder then most of the other ones we have done

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