Monday, February 28, 2011

Perspective Drawing

Perspective is a versatile drawing technique that designers use in a variety of ways. It is probably the most realistic way of drawing a 3D product / object. There are four different types of drawings:

Single Point Perspective -> Perspective drawing is a good style to use when drawing in 3D. The basic example below shows how to construct a simple single point perspective drawing of a cube.

Two Point Perspective -> two point perspective using two vanishing points and when an object is drawn in this way it is even more realistic than if it were to be drawn with a single vanishing point.The cube apposite is drawn with two vanishing points and as a result the sides look as if they are slowly fading away into the distance. Two vanishing points gives this 'feel' to a drawing.

Oblique Drawing ->Oblique projection is a method of drawing objects in 3 dimensions. It is quite a simple technique compared to isometric or even perspective drawing. However, to draw accurately in oblique projection traditional drawing equipment is needed.

Isometric Drawings->Isometric drawing is way of presenting designs/drawings in three dimensions. In order for a design to appear three dimensional, a 30 degree angle is applied to its sides. The cube opposite, has been drawn in isometric projection.

Week 3

Monday- Today we did a note on Perspective Drawings ( One point, Two point, Olbique drawings and Isometric Drawings). I then continued working on my advanced AutoCAD drawing.

Tuesday- Today we had a supply teacher and we worked on our previous drawings.

Wednesday- Today we complete a CAD basic quiz off of moodle. We only did four pages of it , we will continue tommorrow.

Thursday- Today we did an AutoCAD quiz with about nine questions, and then we had to send it to Mr.D on First class. We then worked on our unfinished AutoCAD drawings.

Friday- Today we worked on drawing 2.7. This one was a little challenging as we had to use new commands like array. I finished this drawing , but still have to fix up the dimensions and but it into a title blog, then I will post it onto my blogger.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

AutoCAD Tutorial

This was a AutoCAD Tutorial in which we had to do all of the steps manually. It went through every step in detail so we could fully understand the process.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 2

Monday- Family Day

Tuesday- Was not here , had interview at OCAD

Wednesday- Today we started a tutorial in AutoCAD, going through every step of the process throughly, and then we posted all of our missing work on our blogger.

Thursday- Today we finished the tutorial and I worked on the projects I have not finished yet.

Friday- Started a new AutoCAD drawing. This was from the moodle link and it was in the Advance section. So far I have found it pretty difficult but I am almost done.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fourth Drawing

This is our fourth drawing, we had to use fillet and radius, diameter.

Third AutoCAD Drawing.

This was our third AutoCAD drawing, we had to copy it off of a website that is posted on Moodle.

Second Drawing

This was our second AutoCAD drawing. We only had to do the front view and right side as it was a circular object.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Orthographic Projection and Multiview Constructions

Note about Orthographic Drawings, Posted on moodle.. Post 3

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week 1

Monday - Worked on our houses in Google Sketchup, then Mr.D came around and told us how to fix our first two AutoCAD drawings in order for them to be perfect.

Tuesday- Today Mr.D introduced journals and our first note about orthographic drawings. This note is posted on my blog. Then we finished fixing our first 2 AutoCAD drawings then posted them on the blog.

Wednesday- Today we worked on our third project in AutoCAD and it included using the fillet tool, circle etc.. Then we had to update our blogs and upload everything we have done so far.

Thursday- Today we started a new drawing and again we used the offset fillet, and trim. We are practicing to get better.

Friday- Today we did figure 2.9 from Moodle on AutoCAD. This was a little more challenging but good practice, and alot of team work needed. Starting using TTR!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Auto Cad Drawing

First assignment of the semester, had to draw the front,top and right side of the figure.