Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Week 18

Monday- Today we continued to build our crane. We are working on the bottom base of it. We are going to make Four squares made out of mostly ibeams for the base support. Today we only got One box done. Then started on the second one.

Tuesday- Today we are still working on our crane. We Finished our third box and started working on our fourth. Jeremy started working on the Top Trusses of the crane. He made it mostly out of ibeams and then basic popsicle sticks.

Wednesday- Today we uploaded our Research and slideshows to our blogger. And then we also added our AutCad drawings for evaluation.

Thursday- Today we finished our crane base and top part.

Friday- Today was an exam day and we added our support beams to hold up the top

Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 17

Monday- Today Mr.D explained the different tools we can use to cut our popsicle sticks. He explained we have to use saftey goggles and he explained how to use the scroll saw. One problem he had was the popsicle sticks breaking in half. Then i continued to do my orthographic drawings.

Tuesday - Was not Present

Wednesday- Today i put all of my drawings in title blog and then added them to my blog, I then started building our Crane. Today was shortened periods.

Thursday- Today i was not Present. My group started the crane

Friday- Today i was not Present.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week 16

Monday - Today i continued to do my crane on AutoCad , i made my one box and then copy and pasted it, all the way up and then all the way across. I was told the top has to be in triangles so i had to erase the top.

Tuesday - Today i started on the top of my crane doing it in triangle Ibeams. Then i had to add my counter weight in to AutoCad. I am almost finished then i will be able to pick groups.

Wednesday - Today i continued to do my crane on Autocad. I had to make supportbeams for the top of the crane. To do so i had to make to diagonal trusses going to the top part of the crane and then i put triangles within the beams to create extra support

Thursday- Today i added my measurements for the crane. I put measurements for all the neccessary lines that we needed to know. I then started my orthographic drawings. Tommorrow i will have to finish those and then add measurements to them

Friday - Today i continued on my orthographic drawing, i still have not finished, i need to do all three views of the base and the top of the crane. It is very difficult and time consuming.