Monday, March 28, 2011

Chapter 5- Mechanical CAD Quizzes

Week 6

Monday- Today we went on moodle and did AutoCAD quizzes to prepare us for our upcoming test on Friday. There were all sorts of questions on the basics of the program, and we did Chapter 5 quiz 1-5

Tuesday-Today I continued to do the quizzes that I did not finish yesterday and then I printscreened them and put them onto my blog. We also did a review at the front of the class and we got out drawing excersises back today.

Wednesday-Was not here

Thursday- We started the class off with review for the test tommorrow and then we worked on our own personal logo.

Friday- Today we had a AutoCAD test that had about 60 multiple choice. It was on the basics of CAD, then we updated our blogs for evaluation

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 5

Monday- We were intruduced to a game called cargo bridge and we had to get as far as we could in about a half an hour and then we got marked on that score. This game was challenging and fun, we had to make bridges in a bunch of different scenarios and they had to be strong enough.

Tuesday- Today we got different Cad drawings for evaluation and we started working on them, I did not get far I did a couple of circles and that was all. Mr.D was not here today

Wednesday- Today we played the cargo bridge game again. Alot of the students were not here so we were allowed to do whatever we wanted.

Thursday- Today we worked on our final CAD challenge for our final mark. For must of the project I used TTR.

Friday- Today we continued to work on our CAD challenge and I need to start adding dimensions and then post it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 4

Monday- Today we did a AutoCAD quiz on commands, then we did a lesson on polylines and then I finished up my 2.7 Drawing and posted it to my blogger.

Tuesday- Today we practiced doing technical drawings on paper, then we uploaded our unifinished work onto our blogger. We did cubes, circles and fron top and right views. We learned the difference between cylindrical and non cylindrical drawings.

Wednesday- Was not here today.

Thursday- Did a drawing booklet to practice my technical drawing. We had to find the lines that were missing in several drawings and also find the hidden lines as well.

Friday- Was not here today

GENEVA CAM- Drawing 7

This drawing was harder than most. We had to use the array command, line, circle, and snap tool. This drawing is 2.7 on the moodle link.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

CAD - Terms and Concepts Quiz

1.The reason for using CAD over pencil drawings is :
A- to reduce time, overall appearance and readability. Also easy to edit.

2.If you are using a computer to control the production process the most appropriate term for CAM is :
A- Computer Aided Manufactering

3.An electronic way of producing technical drawings is called:

4.Computer aided drafting typically refers to the process of a computer to produce:
A- 2D electronic drawings

5.Computer aided design typically refers to the process of using a computer to produce:
A- 2D electronic Drawings

6. A computer output device that may procude a HARDCOPY is a:
C- Printer

7. Producing electronic Drawings is called:

8.What is a printed CAD drawing?
D- Hardcopy

9. A HARDCOPY would be produced by a:
C- Plotter

2D Commands:

1. The following figure is an example of which CAD command?

2. Figure B would most easily be generated from figure A using which CAD comman?
C: Stretch

3. The following figure is an example of which CAD command?
D: Polyline

4.Which CAD command would most easily create the following figures
B: Mirror

5.When you enter the CIRCLE command , The brackets around the center point indicate:
B:That you must specify the locationg of the ceneter point before you can enter on of the other options.

6.When establishing the GRID and SNAP funtion for a CAD drawing:
C: The grid and snap may have different values

7.You are using a CAD system to draw a polygon. after drawing a series of straight lines, you eneter the letter C from the keyboard. You intend to:
D: Close the Polygon

8. when doing CAD, using the limits command allows you to determine the
A: Size of drawing space

9. The features midpoint, intersection, perpendicular, node are located and set in which menu?
A: ObjectSnap

10. What feature has been turned on if the CAD system automatically draws straight lines horizontally or vertically?
C: Ortho

11. What feature makes certain points on an object act like magnets so that clicking near a point is the same as clicking the point itself?
D: Osnap

12. When using the zoom command to view part of an object enlarged on the screen you would use:
A: Zoom Window

13. The cad command Pan allows you to:
A: Move the drawing around so that a different part of the drawing appears on the screen.

14. Which CAD command allows you to view different portions of a drawing without changing the apparent magnification?
A: Zoom Dynamic

15. Cad commands such as line, circle and arc and other basic CAD figures are examples of:

16.Which CAD command creates a single entity out of numerous entities that can be inserted into a drawing multiple times?

17. Which CAD command allows you to draw a series of lines and arcs as a single entity and specify width?

18. Which CAD command places evenly spaces point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an object?

19.Which CAD command enlarged or reduces selected objects proportionally in the X,Y and Z directions?

20. Which CAD command moves vertices of 2D solids that lie inside a specified crossing and leaves those outside unchanged?

21.Within CAD you can draw a circle by entering its:

22. When the command line prompts you for the start,end, radius you are probably trying to draw:






































